Monday 1 April 2019

Tests and Diagnosis to Know Your Heart Health

While it's true that about half of the people with heart disease PhysioTru Supplement Review have high cholesterol, it is also true about half the people with heart disease have NORMAL cholesterol, which means cholesterol may NOT be a significant causal factor. The new research on inflammation and the role of C-reactive protein is so compelling that many doctors now believe the evidence is overwhelming and that inflammation is, with total certainty, the central factor in cardiovascular disease.

We know inflammation causes big problems, but what causes inflammation What damages the inside of the artery in the first place What causes the cells to cry for help and get the immune system, to send in the shock troops in the form of C-reactive protein and other substances These are a few of the OBVIOUS causes of inflammation. Now lets examine sources of inflammation that are not so obvious and potentially even more dangerous because they are likely to go unrecognized. Does being overweight CAUSE inflammation

Tobacco is a brutal toxin. Smoking litters the blood with powerful chemicals that damage artery walls and stimulate an immune system response, which, if maintained over time, causes the build up of inflammatory chemicals and greatly increases the risk of heart attack and heart disease. Both high blood pressure and diabetes put constant stress on the inside of the artery walls. Elevated levels of C-reactive protein are common in people with either of these problems.

Although researchers are not certain as to why, we know that certain medicines cause an elevation of C-reactive protein, which is another good reason to get healthy, stay healthy and not depend on medicines of any sort. Infections signal the immune system to release C-reactive protein. Many people suffer with low-grade infections that constantly sap their energy. Often, these people have no idea they are suffering with infections; they just think theyre tired.

Raw nuts have also been found to be of benefit. Wall nuts are particularly good and the quantity you need to be of benefit, is only eight half nuts (they are sold in halves) a day. Recently, a huge breakthrough has been made in terms of natural cures for high cholesterol with the discovery of plant sterols. These are a type of plant hormone and yes, plants have them too, which have been found to have a dramatic effect on cholesterol levels. Just less than two grams of sterols a day can reduce your cholesterol level by as much as ten per cent.

So what is an electrocardiogram (SECA ECG or EKG, shortened from the German Elektrokardiogramm)? It is a visual graphic produced by an electrocardiogram machine, which prints onto a piece of scaled tape the electrical signals of the heart recorded from the time the equipment is attached. Electro, which is the first part of the word is related to the electrical impulses or activity that are given out by the heart, Cardio is Greek for heart and Gram, has a Greek root meaning "to write".

The Sinoatrial node is the place that the heart's electrical pulses come from, the electrical pulse, pulses through the heart's conductive tissue and makes it contract. The electrical pulse that is given out by the Sinoatrial node is then measured by placing electrical pads on each side of the heart. The pulse of electricity moves through the heart it is printed down by the SECA ECG machine. The figures displayed on the electrocardiograph SECA ECG are then interpreted to let the health professional understand what is happening through the heart.

Giving indications of the beat of the heart and any drop of the electrical impulse through the heart. In the US, the abbreviation "EKG" which as mentioned earlier is the german abbreviation is often preferred over "SECA ECG". "SECA ECG" is used a lot in the United Kingdom and many other countries. And the product is now available in handy yogurt drinks and spreads. Do natural cures for high cholesterol actually exist?

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