Saturday 23 March 2019

Never Make This Exercise Mistake if Weight Loss is Your Target

The combination of these winning attributes makes for an The Complete Keto System EBook Review extremely effective diet pill for women. But remember each woman is different with her own needs. Now that you know the basics, you are well on your way. Your next step is to find a the pill that fits your individual needs. Our collective patterns of eating have changed dramatically and our diet has shifted from balanced to hugely imbalanced. One final sobering statistic - the current Generation Y will be the first generation in 50 years to have a lower life expectancy than their parents. How scary is that?

Quick weight loss diets are very dubious. For starters where is the fat going to go? It only has two options - being burned up by the body which is using it for fuel or sucked down the canula your cosmetic surgeon is wielding! Sounds revolting, doesn't it? Body fat accumulates over many years of poor diet, too much food and too little exercise. Your body is storing the fat against a rainy day when you will need it. For example hunter/gathers that ranged across the plains looking for game sometimes went days without food before making a big kill that all the tribe gorged on. They literally lived on their fat as a survival mechanism. Modern hunter/gathers have an easier time with fast food outlets on every street corner.

Storing body fat is a natural mechanism that has ensured the very survival of our species. Now the game has changed and we need to change with it. Since the end of the Second World War our consumption of sugar has increased by a factor of 50. In the same time fast food outlets selling food high in carbohydrates, salt and fats have exploded across the nation. Particularly in the past twenty years the eating patterns of families have shifted from home-cooked meals eaten together to quick pitstop meals gathered on the run and eaten in the car or in front of the television.

We can become lethargic, suffer headaches and bowel problems. Our skin doesn't have time to slowly readjust so we end up with huge "curtains" of skin and unsightly stretch marks. There is a better way. Weight loss is simple really. Eat less calories than you use. All diets (nearly) use this principal. Some refer to it as calorie counting, other diets dont mention it - but it is still the backbone of nearly every diet you have and will try. OK lets start with the basics: A man needs 2500 calories per day

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