Friday 29 March 2019

Playing to Win is Different than Playing Not to Lose

You know that you would find life much easier if you would just Zen12 Review get out of your own way. You have come to realize that your frustrations and lack of focus do not serve you, yet everywhere you go, they show up. This sounds simple, but how many of us still cling too tightly to the picture we painted long ago of how our life should look? What areas of allowing success are you resisting by continuing to want it to look a certain way? What if the very thing you desired the most looked totally opposite from the way you imagine?

Because you are a dreamer and you get overwhelmed easily, you feel paralyzed much of the time. You set yourself up with great expectations. You don't plan to lose 5 or 10 pounds, you are going to lose 50, work out for 2 hours every day and become the next cover person for the fitness magazine. Because you set such high expectations, you look at it and do not even attempt to try because the task is too daunting! You have heard of the concept of baby steps, but those are just for babies.

What resources do you have that you are not using? You may be surprised by asking. The Universe will always conspire in your behalf. You are too attached to the outcome. Literally turn it over to your Higher Power. You cannot know from your finite mind how the Infinite is going to give you what you so desire. You find it difficult to take action. You keep getting in the way of your success.

Are you spending time comparing your present experience with your idea of what it is "supposed" to look like? In your seeming failure of the moment, the future can be obscured from the limited perspective. Find one small speck of faith. It can be a word from a loved one or friend, a beloved scripture or quote. Allow that sense of wonder to flow into you. Allow that part of you that knows all is in Divine Order, in all circumstances. Find that inner strength that will let you find the respite you so desire, that feeling of letting all the stress fall away.

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